Podiatrist or podiatry is an area of medicine dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle disorders of the lower limb. These disorders can be of different nature depending on the type of disorder and its location. The most common disorders in the foot are calluses, corns and calluses, hammer toe, hammer and knee pains, bunions, corns and calluses, hammer toes, plantar fasciitis, ankle fractures, bursitis, hammer toe and foot pain. Podiatrists examine and diagnose patients with these disorders and treat them under the appropriate medical direction.
A Podiatrist treats disorders of the feet, ankles and legs. The field of podiatry is a division of podiatry, which is a part of the medical science. Podiatrists are specialized physicians who specialise in treating disorders of the human foot. They use diagnostic techniques and various treatments and equipment for diagnosis and treatment. If you feel you have a foot problem, make it a point to see a podiatrist.
Diabetes insipidus is one such disorder, resulting in problems with foot ulcers. This disease occurs due to excessive loss of body fluids. In order to help prevent such a situation from happening, the feet of diabetic patients need to be looked after properly. A podiatrist can help prevent diabetes insipidus by prescribing appropriate insoles. A good podiatrist will also prescribe customized footwear for diabetics so as to prevent any further damage to feet.
Heel fractures are also common among diabetic people. To prevent cracked heels, the doctor may want to look at your lifestyle. He may want to reduce alcohol consumption, tobacco use, stress, muscle straining, etc. Smoking harms your feet extensively by leading to thickening of tissues, calcium loss, etc. Stress and muscle straining lead to the wearing out of the cartilage, causing stress on the nerves and heels.
Podiatrists specialize in treating common foot problems that can cause long-term discomfort and even pain. Hence, they are highly recommended by NHS podiatry services and general practices. So, if you wish to see a qualified and experienced podiatrist, you need to contact a clinic near your house or work. A good doctor always makes time for a consultation with the patient, taking into consideration all possible treatment options, before prescribing any treatment plan.
Many people often confuse an osteopath and a podiatrist. While both are osteopathic specialists, the former specializes in treating problems of bones, particularly spinal bones. The latter, on the other hand, specializes in treating problems of the extremities, particularly hands and feet. Thus, if you feel that your pain is not getting better despite of taking pain killers or using crutches, you should consult a Podiatrist. Both these medical professionals use different methods to diagnose and treat foot problems, so it is important to know what each of them specialize in.